Sunday, February 22, 2015

Final Impressions and Looking Back

It is now Sunday 02/22/15. I still cannot believe that the week passed by so quickly. I still remember the  moment our group landed in the airport and was greeted by two Danish students, Cecilia and Ditlev. The first thing everyone from Baldwin did was to ask them to translate a financial newspaper that we picked up in the airport.

The Baldwin girls at the airport in Denmark.

The two days we spent alone in Denmark were filled with funny card games, delicious buffets, and mysteriously lost items. On the first day, everyone was tired from the lack of sleep. However, to prevent people from sleeping, my roommates tried many methods. One, was playing card games. Two, was flicking cold water into other's faces. Three, was the motivational speech of "If you can last until 6pm, then you can last until 8pm."

My week with my Danish student, Cecilia, flew by. Before I knew it, it was already Friday, and I was already packing to leave the next day. Despite the fast week, there were many memories made, a lot of selflies taken, and a lot of pastries eaten.

Cecilia and I rocking sunglasses in a Danish shop.

Some pastries in a pastry shop.

A delicious cake that is related to Cecilia's family's history!

In Denmark, I've eaten delicious traditional Danish meals made by my host's grandmother, and tried tasty Danish pastries. The whole exchange group traveled to Christiania where we say a very different and laid back part of Denmark. We all saw an interesting ballet that combined classical with modern dance styles. We also visited many historical sites, went to a fun and "sciency" museum place called Experimental City, and walked to other amazing places.

There was an all girl's party on Wednesday night where we found some amazing dancers, and where we realized that some of us sound like dying cats when we try to sing. We all enjoyed 12 PIZZAS and one amazing cake made by Emilie.
Six of the twelve delicious pizzas.

Friday was the farewell dinner and a farewell party that many of us wanted to last forever. Saturday morning was filled with warm hugs, and held back tears.

However, we all know that this is not the end, we will see each other in the future, and some people have already made plans to travel to Denmark during summer vacation. I hope this program continues because it is really worthwhile, and I am glad that I did it.

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